GrafEq - Draw Tools
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Macintosh Manual

Appendix C. Draw Tools

Draw tools are for adding labels, explanations, descriptions, and drawings to graph views and pages. The tools are accessible from the view buddy window, by first clicking on the buddy mode pop-up (at the top of the floating window), to open the pop-up menu, and then selecting “draw” from the menu. There are four kinds of drawing tools, as well as a selection tool. The drawing tools include:

Each draw tool is accessed by clicking on a button in the draw buddy window, and presents its options and controls using a separate floating window. If an object is currently selected, a tool’s controls will modify that object; otherwise, the controls will modify the default settings for that tool, which affect all objects subsequently created.

The Selection Tool

The selection tool is for selecting an object to move, edit, or delete. This section will first list the characteristics of the selection tool, and then describe the common attributes of selected objects. Following are some characteristics of the selection tool:

Following are some common attributes of selected objects:

Arrow Tools

The arrow tool is for drawing lines, single-headed arrows, and double-headed arrows. To draw a simple arrow, select the arrow tool, and then bring the mouse to the desired starting point (the source) of the arrow, press, and hold down, the mouse button while dragging the mouse to the desired ending point (the destination) of the arrow. Release the mouse button once the final position is correct.

To resize, re-orient, move, or delete an arrow, refer to the selection tool manual section. Line or arrow drawing can be customized using the arrow tools, displayed and explained as follows:

Arrow tools floating window
Figure C.1: Arrow tools floating window

Formula Tools

Formula tools are for writing formatted mathematical formulae. To add a formula, have the formula draw tools window upfront, click the mouse once at the center of where the formula is desired, an easy button floating window will appear to provide help in formula entry, and the formula can be entered. To resize, move, or delete a formula, refer to the pointer control and active objects manual sections. Formula entry and editing can be customized using formula tools, displayed and explained as follows:

Formula Tools Floating Window
Figure C.2: Formula Tools Floating Window

Text Tool

Text tools are for adding text. To add a text object, have the text draw tools window upfront, click the mouse once at the center of where the text is desired, A text editing window will appear automatically for entering text contents, as follows:

A Text Editing Window
Figure C.3: A Text Editing Window

To resize, move, or delete a text object, refer to the pointer control and active objects manual sections. Text entry and editing can be formatted using text tools, displayed and explained as follows:

Text Tools Floating Window
Figure C.4: Text Tools Floating Window

Box Tools

The box tools are for drawing rectangle boxes. To add a box object, have the box draw tools upfront, bring the mouse to one corner of the desired box, hold down the mouse and drag it to the opposite corner to release the mouse. To resize, move, or delete a box object, refer to the pointer control and active objects manual sections. Box drawing can be customized using box tools, displayed and explained as follows:

Box Tools Floating Window
Figure C.5: Box Tools Floating Window

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